professional ethics and human values question banks/Previous year question paperprofessional ethics and human values question banks/Previous year question paperprofessional ethics and human values question banks/Previous year question paper,GE2025 – PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN ENGINEERING, QUESTION BANKS, OTHERS, HOW TO, EEE, EEE SEVENTH, EEE FIFTH,
1. Define Ethics?* Study of right or wrong.* Good and evil.* Obligations & rights.* Justice.* Social & Political deals.
2. Define Engineering Ethics?
* Study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizationsengaged in engineering / profession.* Study of related questions about the moral ideals, character, policies and relationshipsof people and corporations involved in technological activity.* Moral standards / values and system of morals.
3. What is the need to study Ethics?
* To responsibly confront moral issues raised by technological activity.* To recognize and resolve moral dilemma.* To achieve moral autonomy.
4. Differentiate Moral and Ethics?
MORAL:ETHICS:developing moral criteria to guide human behavior.& Refers only to professional behavior.
5. What is the method used to solve an Ethical problem?
Recognizing a problem or its need.Gathering information and defining the problem to be solved or goal to beachieved.Generating alternative solutions or methods to achieve the goal.Evaluate benefits and costs of alternate solutions.Decision making & optimization.Implementing the best solution.
6. What are the Senses of Engineering Ethics?
• An activity and area of inquiry.• Ethical problems, issues and controversies.• Particular set of beliefs, attitudes and habits.• Morally correct.
7. Differentiate Micro-ethics and Macro-ethics?
Micro-ethics : Deals about some typical and everyday problems which play an importantrole in the field of engineering and in the profession of an engineer.Macro-ethics : Deals with all the societal problems which are unknown and suddenlyburst out on a regional or national level.
8. What are the three types of Inquiry?
• Normative Inquiry – Based on values.• Conceptual Inquiry – Based on meaning.• Factual Inquiry – Based in facts.
9. What are the sorts of complexity and murkiness that may be involved in moralsituations?
• Vagueness• Conflicting Reasons• Disagreement
10. What are the steps in confronting Moral Dilemmas?
1. Identify the relevant moral factors and reasons.2. Gather all available facts that are pertinent to the moral factors involved.3. Rank the moral considerations in order of importance as they apply to thesituation.4. Consider alternative courses of actions as ways of resolving dilemma,tracing the full implications of each.5. Get suggestions and alternative perspectives on the dilemma.6. By weighing all the relevant moral factors and reasons in light of the facts,produce a reasoned judgment.
11. Define Moral Autonomy?
• Self-determining• Independent• Personal Involvement• Exercised based on the moral concern for other people andrecognition of good moral reasons12. Give the importance of Lawrence Kohlberg’s and Carol Gilligan’s theory?
Kohlberg gives greater emphasis to recognizing rights and abstract universal rules.Gilligan stresses the importance of maintaining personal relationships based on mutualcaring.
13. Give the need for Authority?
Authority provides the framework in which learning can take place.
14. What are the criteria required for a Profession?
• Knowledge• Organization• Public Good
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