ME 2027 – Process planning and Cost estimation Final Year Mechanical Engineering
ME2027 Process planning and Cost estimation Anna University Question Bank Question Bank
Part A ( 2 Marks)
- Define method study
- Mention the objectives of method study
- What are the applications of method study
- Define work measurement
- Mention the types of process chart
- What is outline process chart?
- What is a two handed process chart
- What is travel chart?
- What is multi activity chart
- Differentiate template and models
- Distinguish flow diagram and string diagram
- Define flow diagram
- Define string diagram
- What is cyclegraph
- What is chronocycle graph
- What is therblig?
- What is SIMO chart?
- What is ergonomics
- Briefly explain ergonomic display design.
- Briefly explain ergonomic design of control.
- What are the factors involved in designing working environment?
- What are the rules concerning principles of motion economy
- Mention the techniques in time study
- Mention the tools used in time study.
- Define standard time
- Mention the allowances in arriving standard time
- What is process allowance?
- What is contingency allowance?
- What is fatigue allowance
- What is personal allowance
- What is interference allowance?
- What is special allowance?
- What is process planning?
- What are the objectives of process planning?
- Mention the activities involved in process planning
- Mention the documents involved in process planning
- What are the approaches to process planning?
- What is manual process planning
- What is CAPP?
- What are the benefits of CAPP?
- Define retrieval CAPP.
- Define generative CAPP.
- What are the components of generative CAPP?
- What are the merits of retrieval CAPP?
- What are the demerits of retrieval CAPP
- What are the merits of generative CAPP?
- What are the demerits of generative CAPP
- What are tools for developing manufacturing logic and knowledge?
- What is decision table?
- What is an expert system shell?
- Mention the parameters fro material selection?
- What is operation and route sheet?
Part B ( 16 Marks)
- Explain the step by step procedure in implementing method study.
- Explain any four tools involved in method study with neat sketches
- Explain with neat sketches the types of flow process charts.
- Write notes on (i) flow diagram (ii) string diagram (iii) travel chart
- Write notes on (i) therbligs (ii) SIMO chart (iii) multiple activity chart
- Explain the step by step procedure in implementing work measurement.
- Explain the various techniques in work measurement.
- Write notes on (i) performance rating (ii) allowances (iii) standard time
- Explain the importance of ergonomics by mentioning various areas of application.
- Explain in detail the steps involved in process planning.
- Write notes on manual process planning and CAPP with its merits and demerits
- Explain the procedure for retrieval CAPP with its merits and demerits.
- Explain the components of generative CAPP with its merits and demerits.
- Write short notes on ‘tools for developing manufacturing logic and knowledge’
- Write notes on (i) information required fro process planning (ii) factors affecting process plan.
Seventh semester ,Mechanical engineering
ME2026 Unconventional Machining Process Anna University Question Bank
TIME: 3Hrs
MAXIMUM: 100 marks
PART A (10 X2 =20)
1.What are the importance of unconventional machining.
2. Explain the classification of unconventional machining according to major energy source employed
3. List out the importance of EDM.
4. Give the product application of EDM.
5. What are the functions of electrolyte in ECM?
6. Mention the salient features of USM.
7. Define electron beam.
8. Contrast LBM and EBM.
9. Write the application of ASM.
10 Describe the commonly used gas mixture in PAM and their corresponding work materilas
PART B (5 X 16 =80)
11 (i) With the help of neat sketch , Describe the EDM process.
(ii) Explain briefly advantages of wire EDM process.
12 (a) (i) Explain the principle of ECG with sketch
(ii) List out the advantage of EGC over conventional grinding.
(iii) Mention the product applcation of ECG.
(b) Explain in detail the ECM process with neat sketch and also mention the advantages and application.
13 (a) (i) Explain the principle of LBM with neat skeych
(ii) List out the advantage and limitation of LBM process.
(b) (i) Explain the principle of PAM with sketch
(ii) List out the advantage and limitation of PAM process.
14 (a) (i) Mention the application of EBM.
(ii) What is EBM? Sketch its set up an indicate its main parts and explain the priciple of operation
(b) (i) Explain the principle of USM with neat diagram.
(ii) List the commonly used abrasive powder for the tooling of USM and their properties.
15 (a) (i) Explain the method of AJM with help of schematic diagram.
(ii) Mention the advantages and limitations of AJM.
(b) Explain the process parameters in water JM processs.
2010 Anna University Chennai B.E Mechanical Engineering ME2252 — Manufacturing Technology II Question paper
Reg. No. :
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2010 Fourth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2008)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)
1. How do you classify tool wear?
2. Define Tool Life.
3. Distinguish between Capstan lathe from Turret lathe.
4. State the different methods of taper turning.
5. How do you classify milling cutters?
6. Define Broaching.
7. State the applications of honing and lapping finishing methods.
8. Compare gear forming with gear generation method.
9. State the limitations of CNC machine tools.
10. What is a 'Canned' cycle?
PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)
11. (a) (i) Discuss the various types of chips produced during metal machining. (Marks 6)
(ii) State the parameters that influence the life of tool and discuss. (Marks 10)
(b) (i) What is meant by Orthogonal Cutting and Oblique Cutting? (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain 'Merchant force circle' along with assumptions. (Marks 10)
12. (a) (i) Discuss the main parts of a turret lathe. (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain the working of Swiss type auto lathe with a neat sketch.(10)
(b) (i) What is meant by 'tool layout' of a turret lathe? (Marks 6)
(ii) Name the various lathe accessories. How does a four jaw chuck differ from a three jaw chuck? (Marks 10)
13. (a) (i) What are the operations performed on a milling machine? (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain different types of drilling machines with their specific features. (Marks 10)
(b) (i) Discuss the various types of broaches. (Marks 6)
(ii) Discuss the common work holding devices used on shapers, slotters and planers. (Marks 10)
14. (a) (i) Give the specification of grinding wheel. (Marks 6)
(ii) What is meant by dressing and truing of grinding wheel? (Marks 10)
(b) (i) List the advantages and limitations of gear shaping. (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain the principle of gear hobbing with neat sketches. (Marks 10)
15. (a) (i) Under what conditions of production the numerically controlled machine tools are employed? (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain the various elements of NC machine with closed loop control system. (Marks 10)
(b) (i) Explain the main difference between point to point and continuous path type of numerically controlled machine tools. (Marks 6)
(ii) List any five motions and control statements of computer assisted NC programming and explain. (Marks 10)
ME2251 Heat And Mass Transfer Anna University Question paper
ME2303 Design of Machine Elements Anna University Question Papers
ME2303 Design of Machine Elements Anna University Question Papers
Mechanical Engineering SEMESTER : V Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Answer All Questions
PART - A 10 x 2 = 20 Marks 1. Sketch the stress-strain diagram for a ductile specimen and indicate its salient features. 2. Indicate the type of fit used in the assembly of bush in the big-end of the connecting rod of an automobile. 3. Define ‘endurance limit’ in design 4. Indicate the type of fit specified by 120 H7 p6 in a drawing. 5. Mention any two desirable properties of the material used in an automobile piston. 6. Sketch and indicate the salient parts of a flange coupling. 7. Mention the stresses induced in a taper key used in a coupling. 8. What is a ‘bearing characteristic number’. 9. Mention the names of any four theories of failure. 10. Define ‘coefficient of fluctuation of speed’ in a flywheel.
PART – B 5 x 16 = 80 Marks 11. i) A load of 5 KN is to be raised by means of a steel wire. Find the minimum diameter required, if the permissible stress in the wire is not to exceed 100 N /mm2 (4 Marks) ii) A square bar of 20 mm x 20 mm in section is subjected to a bending moment of 1000 Nmm. Calculate the stress induced in the top and bottom fibres of the bar. What will be stress in the above fibres, if the bar is additionally acted upon by a tensile stress of 50 N/mm2 along the axis. (6 Marks) iii) A circular shaft is to transmit a torque of 500 Nmm at a speed of 1000 rpm. Find out the diameter of the shaft, if the permissible shear stress in the shaft material is 70 N/mm2. (6 Marks)
12.a) A shaft is supported by two bearing arranged 1 m apart, A 600 mm diameter pulley is mounted at a distance of 300 mm to the right of the left hand bearing and this drives a pulley directly below it with the help of a belt having maximum tension of 2.25 kN. Another pulley of 400mm diameter is placed 200 mm to the left of the right hand bearing and is driven with the help of an electric motor and a belt, horizontally to the right. The angle of contact for both the pulley is 1800 and the coefficient of friction is 0.24. Design the diameter of the solid shaft, allowing a working stress of 60 N/mm2 in tension and 40 N/mm2 in shear for the material of the shaft. Assume the torque input & torque output are equal. OR 12.b) A bar of circular cross section is subjected to alternating tensile forces varying from a minimum of 200 kN to maximum of 500 kN. It is to be manufactured from a material with an ultimate tensile strength of 90 MPa and an endurance limit of 70 MPa. Determine the diameter of the bar using safety factors of 3.5 in ultimate tensile strength and 4 in endurance limit strength and stress concentration factor of 1.65 for fatigued load. Use Goodman relation for the basis of design.
13.a) A circular rod 45 mm diameter and 210 mm long is welded to a steel plate with axis of the rod perpendicular to the plate. The rod is subjected to a load of 10 kN at the free end, the direction of the load being perpendicular to the axis of the rod. The material of the plate & the rod are Mild Steel. Determine the size of the weld to withstand the loading. OR 13.b) An electric motor weighting 5 kN is to be lifted by eye-bolt, which has been screwed into the body of the motor. Define the eye-bolt, assuming suitable proportions, if the permissible stresses for the bolt material are 60 MPa, 30 Mpa and 80 MPa in tension, shear and crushing respectively.
14.a) Select a deep groove ball bearing for a radial load of 4000 N and an axial load of 5000 N, operating at speed of 1600 rpm for an average life of 5 years at 10 hours per day. Assume uniform and steady load. OR
14. b) Design a connecting rod for a petrol engine for the following data:
Diameter of the piston = 68 mm Stroke length = 80 mm Length of connecting rod = 160 mm Maximum explosion pressure = 3.5 N/ mm2 Mass of reciprocating parts = 2.5 kg Speed = 4000 rpm Compression ratio = 8 :1
15.a) A helical compression spring of the exhaust valve mechanism is initially compressed with a pre-load of 375 N. When the spring is further compression and the valve is fully opened, the torsional shear stress in the spring wire should not exceed 750 N/mm2. Due to Space limitations, the outer diameter of the spring is not exceed 42 mm. The spring is to be designed for minimum weight. Calculate the wire diameter and the mean coil diameter of the spring. OR 15.b) A semi-elliptic leaf spring consists of two extra full-length leaves and six graduated length leaves, including the master leaf. Each leaf is 7.5 mm thick and 50 mm wide. The center-to-centre distance between the two eyes is 1m.The leaves are pre-stressed in such a way that when the load is maximum, the stresses induced in all the leaves are equal to 350 N / mm2. Determine the maximum force that the spring can withstand.
ME2352 Design of Transmission System Question paper
ME2352 Design of transmission system Anna University Question paper
B.E/B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION ,NOV/DEC 2006 Sixth semester, Mechanical engineering Design of transmission system
Time:3 Hrs Maximum: 100 marks
PART A (10 X 2 =20)
1. What are the factors upon which the coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulleys depend? 2. In what ay the timming belt is suprior to ordinary V-belt. 3. What do you understand by simplex ,duplex and triplex chain? 4. State the law of gearing. 5. How does the function of a brake differ from that of a clutch? 6. Mention the important types of gears and discuss their applications. 7. State the advantage of herringbone gear. 8. What is a pressure angle? What is the effect of increasing in pressure angle ? 9. Name the different types of clutch.Why positive clutch is used? 10. Draw the ray diagram for a six speed gear box.
PART B ( 5 X 16 =80) 11. (a) A leather belt 9mm X 250 mm is used to drive a cast iron pulley 900 mm in diameter at 336 rpm.If the active arc on the smaller pulley is 20 degrees and stress in tight side is 2 MPa ,find the power capacity of the belt.The density of leathr may be taken as 980 Kg/m ^3 and coefficient of friction of leathre on cast iron is 0.35
(b) Design a V belt drive and clculate the actual belt tension and average stress for the following data .Driven pulley diameter,D = 500 mm,Driver pulley diameter ,d = 150 mm ,center distance , C = 925 mm, speed n1 = 1000 rpm,n2 = 300 rpm and power ,P =7.5 kW.
12 (a) Design a chain drive to actuate a compressor from 15 kW eletric motor running at 100 rpm, hte compressor speed being 350 rpm.The minimum center distance is 500 mm.The compressor operates 16 hours per day.The chain tension may be adjusted by shifting the motor sides.
(b) Design a straigth spur gear drive to transmit 8 kW.The pinion speed is 720 rpm and the speed ratio is 2.Both the gears are made of the same surface hardened carbon steel with 55 RC and core hardness less than 350 BHN .Ultimate strength is 720 N/mm ^2 and yield strength is 360 N/mm ^2
13 (a) Design a nine speed gearbox for a c machine to provide speeds ranging from 100 to 1500 rpm .The input is from a motor of 5 kW at 1440 rpm.Assume any alloy steel for the gear.
(b) Design a pair bevel gear for two shafts whose axis are at rigth angles .Thepower transmitted is 25 Kw .The spedd of the pinion is 300 rpm and of the gear is 120 rpm.
14 (a) A single plate clutch ,effective on both sides ,is required to transmit 25 kW at 3000 rpm.Determine the outer and inner diameter of frictional surface if the coefficient of friction is 0.255,ratio of diameters is 1.25 and he maximum pressure is not exceeded 0.1 N/mm ^2 .Also determine the axial thrust to be provided by springs.Assume theory of uniform wear.
(b) An engine developing 45kW at 1000 rpm id fitted with a cone clutch built inside the fly wheel.The cone has a face angle of 12.5 degree and a maximum mean diameter of 500 mm.The coefficient of friction is 0.2 .The normal pressure on the clutch face is not exceeded 0.1N/mm ^2 .Dtermine (i) The face width required (ii) the axial spring force necessary to engage the clutch.
15 (a) In a single block brake ,the diameter of the drum is 250 mm and th angle of contact is 90 degrees .If the operating force is 700 N is applied at the end of lever which is at 250 mm from the center of he brake block,The coefficient of friction between the drum and the lining is 0.35. Dtermine the torque that may be transmitted.Fulcrum is at 200 mm from the center of brake block with an offset 50 mm from the surface of contact.
(b) Design a worm gear drive to transmit 22.5 kW at a worm speed of 1440 rpm.Velocity ratio 24:1 .An efficient of atleast 85% is desired .The temperature rise shoul be restricte to 40 degree C.Dtermine the required cooling area.
1. A flat plate of area 1.5X106 mm2 is pulled with a speed of 0.4m/s relative to another plate located at a distance of 0.15mm from it. Find the force required to maintain this speed, if the fluid separating them is having viscosity as 1 poise. 2. State the Continuity equation for compressible and incompressible fluids. 3. Define hydraulic grade line? 4. Write the Darcy-weisbach equation used to find loss of head due to friction in pipe. 5. What do you mean by dynamic similarity? 6. Define Weber's number? 7. A turbine develops 7225 kW power under a head of 25 m at 135 rpm. Calculate the specific speed of the turbine and state the type of the turbine. 8. Define specific speed of a turbine? 9. What is negative slip? How it occurs? 10. What is meant by suction head and delivery head?
11. (a) If 5.27 m3 of certain oil weighs 44 kN , Calculate the specific speed , mass density and specific gravity of the oil. (6) (b) What are the physical phenomena which are responsible for the property of viscosity? How these factors contribute to viscosity of fluid? (4) (c) A body weighing 441.5 N with a flat surface area of 0.093 m2 slides down lubricated inclined plane making a 30° angle with the horizontal. For a viscosity of 3 m/s , determine the lubricant film thickness. (6) 12. State and prove the Bernoulli's Equation and write the applications of Bernoulli's Equation. (16) 13. Derive an expression for Darcy – weisbach formula to determine the head loss due to friction. Give the expression for relation between friction factor 'f' and Reynold's number for laminar and turbulent flow. (16) 14. A30 cm diameter pipe, conveying water, branches into two pipes of diameters 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. If the average velocity in the 30 cm diameter pipe is 2.5 m/s, find the discharge in the pipe. Also determine the velocity in 15 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20 cm pipe is 2 m/s. (16) 15.The pressure difference ?p in a pipe of diameter D and length 'l' due to turbulent flow depends on the velocity V , viscosity µ , density ? , and roughness k. Using Buckingham's p - theorem , obtain an expression for ?p. (16) 16. Using Buckingham's p – theorem, show that the discharge Q consumed by an oil ring is given by Q = Nd3? [µ/?Nd2, s/?N2d3, w/ ?N2d] Where'd' is the internal diameter of the ring, N is rotational speed , ? is density , µ is viscosity , s is surface tension and w is the specific weight of oil. (16) 17. Explain the main parts of a centrifugal pump with neat sketch. Also discuss about manometric efficiency, Mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency. (16) 18. Describe the working of Pelton Wheel with neat sketch and state the difference between impulse and reaction turbine. (16) 19. Describe the working of reciprocating pump with the aid of a sketch. (16) 20. A single acting reciprocating pump, running at 50 rpm delivers 0.01m3/s of water. The diameter of the piston is 200mm and stroke length 400mm. Determine (i) The theoretical discharge of the pump (ii) Co-efficient of discharge (iii) Slip and percentage of slip of the pump.
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